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Ethical AI

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Article 2 of note


Articles and other publications of note

Ethical AI

A new mathematical principle has been designed to combat AI bias towards making unethical and costly commercial choices.

Researchers from the University of Warwick, Imperial College London, EPFL (Lausanne) and Sciteb Ltd have found a mathematical means of helping regulators and businesses manage artificial intelligence (AI) systems’ biases towards making unethical, and potentially very costly and damaging, commercial choices.

An unethical optimization principle, Nicholas Beale , Heather Battey ,  Anthony C. Davison  and   Robert S. MacKay.  Published:01 July 2020.


Article 2 of note

A new mathematical principle has been designed to combat AI bias towards making unethical and costly commercial choices.

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Chapter six follows with a detailed presentation of a prototypical structurally stable diffeomorphism, one the most famous and useful for understanding the dynamic behaviour of such systems, the Smale horseshoe.


The project ends with a presentation of some key concepts and theorems which play an essential role in the understanding of behaviour of dynamical systems, for example the Stable Manifold Theorem.

The project ends with a presentation of some key concepts and theorems which play an essential role in the understanding of behaviour of dynamical systems, for example the Stable Manifold Theorem.




Chapter six follows with a detailed presentation of a prototypical structurally stable diffeomorphism, one the most famous and useful for understanding the dynamic behaviour of such systems, the Smale horseshoe.

The project ends with a presentation of some key concepts and theorems which play an essential role in the understanding of behaviour of dynamical systems, for example the Stable Manifold Theorem.

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Chapter six follows with a detailed presentation of a prototypical structurally stable diffeomorphism, one the most famous and useful for understanding the dynamic behaviour of such systems, the Smale horseshoe.


The project ends with a presentation of some key concepts and theorems which play an essential role in the understanding of behaviour of dynamical systems, for example the Stable Manifold Theorem.

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